Fusion Body Art Pearl face painting colours were specially developed to be blendable and highly shimmery.
The pearl range of water activated face paints was carefully crafted to fulfill the dreams of every professional face and body painter out there. Fusion developed unique duo-tone colours that change colour as the light hits them from different angles. Fusion’s pearl colors have a very soft feel on the skin and can provide a solid coverage when used with a sponge.
If you used with a brush you will obtain a more translucid softer effect that is ideal when going over the eye lids. All of Fusion’s pearl face paint colors are highly pigmented yet some have more of a soft pastel look while others are bolder.
Although they can be used for line work, in general pearl colors are best for base work with a sponge (except for silver and gold which are perfect for line work).
Fusion Body Art Pearl Metallic Silver deserves as specific mention since it is the most metallic looking silver ever developed in the face paint industry. Fusion’s silver face paint was designed to provide you with excellent coverage, a solid metallic look and a nice flow so that you can use it for line work.